assalamualaikum girls... hye..i hope you all okey... i know now we all busy doing assgiment.. but i hope we can do it very well.. don;t forget about our project..we meet this monday ok... we must discuss about power point and report.. ok thanks
Friday, March 12, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
story about mixed marriages...
Anyone who's been married for a while knows very well that marriage can be quite a challenge. Sometimes things go awry and the marriage fails.
Try to imagine then, the additional challenges faced by couples from different cultures; especially those as diverse as Eastern and Western. The failure rate is significantly higher for these couples. They are, of course, fully aware of this before they make the commitment to each other. They are aware of the culture shock and racial discrimination they will probably encounter, the difficulties of acclimatizing to different language, food, climate, customs, and all the other elements of culture. When one moves to another country, the intimate contact of family and friends, and even relatively small things like food, favourite TV programmes, newspapers and so on, are missed.
We must remember also that, like married couples, governments often fall out with each other. Where two countries are on friendly terms now, decades later they may be at war. At that time, the multi-cultural couple may find their advancing age makes internment camp life intolerable.
The couple we introduce in the Philippines wedding page put much thought into their wedding. Jim moved from the US to the Philippines temporarily to marry Nila, and they lived together whilst they awaited permission for Nila to live in the US. Two years passed; no permission was granted.
This seems ridiculous; especially if you consider marriages in the US and the number of divorces within the first two years. Jim and Nila were married in every sense of the word, but the US government did not recognise it.
Of course, the only really important matter is that Jim and Nila recognise their marriage to each other, and for that reason, they will live together happily ever after, where ever that may be. And it may well have to be in the Philippines. Fortunately Nila is comfortable there because it is her home, and Jim is enjoying how far the US dollar goes in the Philippines.
In this case, the US government's refusal is not a disaster, but living the rest of their days in the Philippines was not their original plan. And this is one example of how living under a 'foreign' government can force personal plans to be changed; much more than government interference on other citizens.
On the plus side, however, the couple can enjoy the benefit of experiencing another culture in a way denied to the rest of us who just visit these places as tourists. Multi-culturalism helps spread understanding and through such understanding, wars can be avoided. Nevertheless, the challenges are still great and we should keep these couples in our prayers.
Before making such commitments, couples owe it to each other to plan for the worse-case scenario.
Posted by butterfly at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Why guys Indian like muslim girls..maybe this is because their speciality.
sure,interreligious marriages have problem of -non aceeptance are the same for intra.Mix marriages betwen Indian Tamils,sri Lankan Tamils,Telegus,Malayalis and North Indians.Ihe more arrogant party refuses to accept the incoming spouse.The most common mixed marriages have are between Hindu boys and malay girls one Hindu boy engaged to a malay muslim girl.Confided me find the Malay girls petite,charming,feminine and approachable,unlike indian girls.Malays pay a lot of attention to personal appearance.Chinese and indian christian girls too and though everyone thing Hindu girls are chaste.Coming from an estate and having lived in the university kampus,I know that is a me boys dont mind to much abaut religion.We just want a girl that we like.Besides,the malays with their underlying Hindu like culture are the next best to Hindus.Compered to malays and thais,our Hindu girls seem unapproachable ,without a smile on their faces.If not to the law that you have to convert to Islam,most Hindu boys would have married malays.We also know that malay girls profer indian boys.They find them more responsible and less likely to take a second wife.Why should we complaine abaut marying outside the hindu fold when even if chinese girls are willing embrace Hinduism still we do not accept them.
Posted by butterfly at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
Problem on mixed marriage identity rectified
Kota Kinabalu: The National Registration Department (NRD) in Sabah has rectified the problem faced by inter-marriage couples when registering their children for birth certificates.
There are ethnicity codes like Sino-Native provided in the registration form for a birth certificate, the Director Haji Abdul Jaffear Henry told Sepanggar MP Datuk Eric Majimbun who paid him a visit recently.
It was earlier reported that the NRD has stopped accepting mixed parentage as a race when registering births. The matter was highlighted by Majimbun who related the ordeal of a Chinese man married to a Dusun woman.
He said the man was asked to choose either Chinese or Dusun as the race of his child, prompting him to put Dusun as his child's race although the baby took his "siang" (Chinese surname).
Until then children born out of inter-marriages were listed as, for example, Sino-Kadazan, Sino Murut, Sino-Bajau, Indo-Kadazan and so forth.
According to Majimbun his discussion with Abdul Jaffear also dwelled on the Registration of Birth and Death Ordinance of Sabah (Cap 123) 1953.
He said the Home Minister had told him during a question and answer in Parliament that the said ordinance has not been made uniform with the Registration of Birth and Death Act 1957 (Act 299).
The people in Sabah are worried about this, Majimbun told Abdul Jaffear, suggesting that the NRD Sabah under his leadership be given a bigger role to handle the problem.
The Member of Parliament said the present director stood in good stead for the task and the question now is whether past mistakes can be rectified.
Saying this vital, Majimbun, a former Kota Kinabalu District Native Chief, pointed out this is because there are village heads who make dubious declarations.
Posted by butterfly at 11:34 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
How to Help Your Mixed Marriage Succeed
Here are some points for success:
- Discuss these questions honestly.
- Be respectful of each other's honesty
- Get to know and respect your spouse's faith.
- Don't let the nonessentials get in the way.
- Find a worship pattern that fits your faith and your family.
- Take the religious education of your children seriously.
- Pray together as a couple and as a family.
- Dont be afraid to ask for help. Contact your pastor, local marriage counsellors, and other couples with similar experiences.
- Don't stop talking to each other.
- Remember the bottom line is communication. Each of you has to realize that your spouse's faith is as important to him or her as yours is to you.
Posted by butterfly at 7:05 AM 4 comments
Explaining mixed marriage in Ireland
"Mixed marriage" strictly means a marriage contracted between a Christian and a non-Christian, but it has come to mean, particularly in Ireland, a marriage contracted between a Roman Catholic and another Christian from the Protestant denomination.
Strictly this should be called an Interchurch marriage, for it is a marriage between two Christians who belong to different denominations. We should not forget that this term would include Church of Ireland-Presbyterian marriages and other inter-Protestant marriages. While it is more correct to use the term "Interchurch marriage" for those marriages where both partners are deeply committed to their own churches the term "mixed marriage" is readily understood in Ireland.
However, it must be remembered that the original meaning of the term - a marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian - still applies, and these marriages still occur in Ireland today. Examples of Jewish-Christian and Muslim-Christian marriages are known and can pose different challenges.
so...what do you think about explaining???
Posted by butterfly at 6:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
be open international marriage
attitude prefer to raise issue related to personal matters is the normal life of Malaysia society is less exposed to the outside world. thinking and how they analyze a matter related to personal issues more similar to the narrow thinking and less mature about changing the world, known as the globalization process. if a hundred years ado westarn countries inhabited by people of Christian, but this pattern of change in which millions of muslims become citizens.
when migration occurs the multi-ethic society recognize each other. in everyday interaction, felling of lost identity and racial differences. thus occurred the marriages of different nations and countries. things like this is not a serious matter that could unsettle the country. in the west, many muslims from islamic countries is married to local residents. marriages between muslims and the west very well in the deveopment of islamic dakwah because every individual who wishes to marry muslims must convert to islam
Posted by butterfly at 11:36 PM 0 comments